Looking Forward


Filmmakers and staff at an AlumNest gathering in August 2021

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Anti-racism

To deepen our diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), anti-racism, and equity work, our entire staff and team embarked on “Developing a Liberatory Consciousness,” a six-month program based on a framework developed by Dr. Barbara J. Love on awareness, analysis, action, and allyship and accountability. Additionally, our Board is participating in workshops with Authentic Coaching & Consulting to develop shared DEI language, reflect on their identities, explore inequities in our industry, and further embolden them as ambassadors of our values. We know this work seeps into everything we do and every process we design at Chicken & Egg Pictures. A more equitable industry is calling for us, and we look forward to helping lead that change with the programmatic changes implemented in our next Strategic Plan.


2023–2025 Strategic Planning

Considering the pandemic and other unexpected changes, we decided to continue our 2019–2021 Strategic Plan through 2022 with the full support of our Board and funders. We're looking forward to creating our next Strategic Plan in 2022!